Outreach to the Vulnerable
Purpose Statement: “To serve the vulnerable in our local area by cooperating with other community efforts, so as not to duplicate or diminish those efforts”.
The Ministry Team for Support of the Vulnerable met six times in 2018. We continue to work on the scope in our second year of existence. We are focusing our efforts on cooperating, coordinating and integrating our resources and efforts with other organizations who are working on aligned purposes.
We had two presentations from the Arlington Community Resource Center. One on the housing support role and one for the coordination of all services for the poor and vulnerable in the community. The committee recommended to the Board that we sponsor a number of monthly contributions to the Centers Pantry including peanut butter and other items to help support emergencies.
We also had presentation from the Everett Gospel Mission on the perspective of the lives of the Vulnerable. We opened this up to the community. It helped us understand the three components of homelessness and poverty. The first is rescue, to help in emergent state like food, clothes, and housing. The second is rehabilitation, starting the steps to re-integrate into society. The last is stabilization including continued support. We as a Ministry Team are focused on the rescue phase with partner agencies.
We also had a presentation from the North Snohomish County Outreach. This is a not for profit organization of churches, social agencies of city, county, state, and city police as well as others. They provide laundry services and other support to the homeless. We have committed to help with a week per month support for laundry in Arlington.
We have helped two people struggling with homelessness. We support the Good Samaritan fund. We have collected food and other items for the community Support center with your help. We supported the Brown Bag ministry for feeding people waiting for the Arlington Food Bank. We support and help staff the cold weather ministry offering sleeping quarters on freezing nights.
Our Goal is to focus our congregations giving and gifts to help a coordinated effort to help the poor and vulnerable help themselves.