Mission Circle
Mission Circle met twice a month, the first and third Tuesdays. July and August is our summer break. We enjoy our work sessions in the modular building behind the church. Our purpose is to provide items for Lutheran World Relief for their various mission programs. Again this year we have focused on providing quilts, baby care kits and school kits. We ship kits and quilts to Lutheran World Relief twice during the year. Our quilts are displayed, draped over the pews and blessed during church service on Quilt Sunday. The boxed kits are also blessed at this time.
We appreciate our helpers who have willingly hauled our shipments to Seattle LWR In-gathering. We also appreciate all the donations we receive, be it fabric, yarn or financial. We couldn't do it all with out your generous donations and support.
We invite anyone interested in participating to join us. For questions or interest please contact the church office at (360)435-8921.